Article Layout

Article Writing Templates and Layouts #

Article writing templates are an excellent tool for those who are not confident about creating their own articles. An article layout gives you a structure for your article, helping you save time on planning and writing.

Here are a few article templates to help you get started. The first is the classic article structure taught in many schools. The second one provides an alternative that is more suited to article writing for SEO (search engine optimization).

Informative Article Writing Format #

Headline/Title - This should be eye catching and encourage the reader to keep reading.

Introduction - The article introduction should provide a brief overview of the points you’ll be discussing in greater detail within the body of the article. Touch on each of your main points here.

Body Paragraphs - The number of these will depend on how many points you have to make or topics you need to cover. There should be a paragraph or two for each of the points mentioned in your introduction.

Conclusion - The conclusion should be a short paragraph that re-iterates your main points. If this is a marketing article, you should also add in the next part.

Call to Action (Optional) - For purely informative articles, this won’t be necessary, as you’re just trying to educate your reader. However, if your article is for marketing purposes then there should be an action you want your reader to take after reading the article, such as making a purchase.

This is called your Most Wanted Response (MWR). The end of the article is the point where you should provide a call to action, reminding the reader of why your MWR is the next step they should take based on what they have just learned from your article.

How-To Article Layout #

The How-To article is a little different in structure from the informative article we covered above. It’s a form of article often employed on websites and blogs, because typically these articles are easy to read and teach a specific skill in a very clear way - all excellent points for effective web writing. How-To articles can also come in handy for article marketing.

Brief Outline - A How-To article should begin with a brief outline of the skill you’re going to teach, why the skill is useful and a few of the benefits of learning it. You don’t have to touch on each of the steps as you would with the above template.

Step-by-Step Guide - A How-To article should be divided into steps. This can be done using bullet points, but more commonly you’ll use a numbered list to indicate the order in which each thing should be done. Try to keep each step as clear and brief as possible, without leaving out any essential information.

Conclusion and Extra Points - Again it’s good to re-iterate at the end the benefits of learning the skill, although this is not necessary. However, you should always mention any hazards or dangers involved in learning the skill that the reader should be aware of.

More Help with Article Writing for SEO #

If article writing still proves to be a challenge even with the help of these article writing templates, or you simply want to outsource this task to focus on your other business strengths, there is a solution. Contact Us for more information on writing services to help boost your business.

See also #